N E W   B U S I N E S S   S E R V I C E S

Business services include the following:

Services to Open a New Business

Company Agreements & Employee Documents

Software to run your business


Services to Open a New Business

At Lowe and Associates we help new business owners get a fresh start with decisions that can be mind-boggling. From the company name to the state registration, what type of business will you be, LLC, S-corporation, or single proprietor it’s our specialty! Our team possesses the marketing skills to get you established by creating a company domain, website, and email accounts and not to mention helping with social media.  We are not just about helping you create the business we intend to help you keep the business going with our creative marketing efforts.

Company Agreements and Employee Documents

Once you have decided what type of business you will form our team can assist you with the company agreements required to run your business. Stock agreements, bylaws, articles of incorporation are just a few of the agreements we offer. We can help with your customer agreements, proposals, and employment documents for your employees. 

Software to Run Your Business

Our team takes pride in working with the owners and staff to recommend an accounting system or CRM (customer relationship management) software application. At Lowe & Associates we offer software implementation services for both systems to eliminate the hassle and stress for your team.

Assessment of IT Services

Based on your business model and customer needs our team and partners will conduct an IT assessment. It’s important to ensure your computer network is secure and safe without vulnerabilities.

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